What is the PTO?
PTO Mission
The Wren Hollow PTO is structured so that every parent/guardian and staff member is automatically a member of our organization. There are no dues! We encourage you to join our quarterly scheduled PTO meetings and always feel welcome to reach out to board members with questions, ideas and input!
The PTO raises funds to support various efforts at Wren Hollow. All donations are 100% tax deductible and go directly towards supporting the students and staff. Our main source of fundraising is the annual Easy Street Campaign and Spring adults-only fundraising event (date T.B.A.)
The PTO is about MORE than just raising funds. We provide various teacher appreciation events throughout the year to recognize our amazing staff, as well as hosting various community events and school activities throughout the year.
To get involved with the PTO or to inquire about open positions on the Board or Committee please email our PTO at WrenHollowSchoolPTO@gmail.com